Friday 3 August 2018

Bill & Alene

William Burroughs and Alene Lee

William Burroughs and Alene Lee, rooftop near Tompkins Park and Paradise Alley. Bill and I assembled Yage & Queer letters, Alene typed up the collaged manuscripts, Fall 1953. Photo: Allen Ginsberg, courtesy Stanford University Libraries/Allen Ginsberg Estate.


  1. Nice shot of them both smiling, and historical as well. Sorry about the delay in posting your comments. I googled it, and apparently other people weren't getting notified by Blogger, either -- something to do with the new data regulations. I'll check the comments more frequently now.

    1. No need for apologies, Jonathan. I thought it was probably a computer problem. Great to see Burroughs smiling in such an open way...they seem to be having a fun conversation.
